have you heard of this cool gal named Nepeta Leijon? she's like, the coolest gal ever, best girl and best troll.
so anyway she's a hardcore shipper, so hardcore as to have a Wall of Shipping — a Shipping Wall, if you will.
anyway the basic premise of the Shipping Wall is to put ships (romantic or otherwise) on a wall. you can put ships you like! you can put ships you find plausible! you can put any ships at all! you can be like Nepeta and annotate your Shipping Wall, circling ships that are becoming canon, adding question marks to the ones that might not, et cetera. do what you want, it's your Wall!
why not
there's a number of reasons why people do shipping. in fact, i did a high school project on why people do shipping! (if you want to look into this stuff but would prefer a reading/written format, just let me know and i'll cobble together some resources into a document.) as for why make a shipping wall in particular, idk. haven't seen anyone else make one. to me, it feels like a reasonable way of staying organized with your ships. and a fun way, too!
yes, i do! but i'm still compiling it so i guess this page will not be so complete right now. come back again later and maybe there'll be some images and links and stuff!