p5.js funzone

what the hell is a p5.js??

so like in 2001, there's these two folks, Casey Reas and Ben Fry, right? they make this language that's called Processing. it's this incredible graphics library software thing made using Java. well in 2013, this person named Lauren McCarthy wrote p5.js, porting Processing over into JavaScript. so now you can do fun graphics stuff with ease and hook it up into your webpage!!
p5.js homepage

you can go play around with the language a bit in this editor right below here. this widget was made by toolness/Atul Varna.
here be a link to the p5.js widget thing's reference. note that you'll want to be on desktop to try this stuff out.

earlier in late 2023-ish i learned a bunch of p5.js, so maybe i'll go post all the cool exercises i made to this page. maybe!

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